Akkineni family started its own film school on Thursday. Akkineni Nageswara Rao, Nagarjuna, Amala, Akhil Sushanth, Sumanth and the entire family was present at the announcement of the film school.
Nagarjuna named it 'International School of Filmand Media'. Nag claims thatthis film school which will be based out of AnnapurnaStudios in Hyderabad will bethe largest film school in Asia.
" Located in the premises of Annapurna Studios, the International School of Film and Media will provide a world-class learning experience by combining government-recognized degrees with the best practices of international higher education. The institute will also associate with multiple international film schools, establishing student and faculty exchange programs and other international opportunities for aspiring students." a statement from Nagarjuna said.
Admissions for this school are open from July 1st.Courses with the duration of eight weeks to twelve weeks are offered in this institution.
Interested candidates could contact Pinky on 9394511181for further details.